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Is Separation Good For Marriage

The answer to the question - "Is separation good for marriage" is a complicated one. There are two different opinions with regard to this question. Some people believe that separation is a step towards divorce, while for others who have positive notions about separation; it is just a matter of time to resolve the issues causing a breach in the marriage. Sometimes couples select for trail separation, which surprisingly contribute in improving their situation, thus providing good results. More...

Marriage Separation Statistics In The United States
Marriage Separation Statistics In The United States

The rate of marriage separation in the United States has been increasing at an alarming rate compared to the other countries in the world. It seems that couples in United States have become intolerant of their spouses and are in a hurry to end their marriages. The marriage and separation statistics In United States is calculated on the basis of certain factors. Factors like the age of married couple, chances of reconciliation after separation, time period of conjugal life and children from the marriage are considered to calculate the statistics. More...

Marriage Symbols For Tattoos
Marriage Symbols For Tattoos

The idea of getting tattoos done on your body is quite cool. In fact, it has become a trend these days to get tattoos as a form of self expression about your experiences and what people mean to you. People have also expressed interest in certain marriage symbols tattoos. Some people believe that these bring luck to the couple, while others just get it done to express their love for their partners. More...

Reasons To Reconcile A Marriage
Reasons To Reconcile A Marriage

Marriage is a promise to accompany each other through thick and thin. When this promise breaks, it causes heartache not only to the spouses, but also to the kids. You can always reconcile a marriage after breaking it. There are good many reasons to do so. The basic reason to do so is to avoid the “guilty nagging feeling” that you could have had a better life together. If you think that there is even a little hope to save your marriage, attempt to reconcile. More...

Woman Marriage Proposals
Woman Marriage Proposals

For women, proposing a man for marriage may not be easy and it is common for them to have sleepless nights over this. To lessen the anxiety in women, it is recommended that they always have 2-3 plans ready, so that if one fails, they can bank on the other. In the past, women proposals for marriage were few. Earlier, there was a belief that women could only propose on the last day of February in a leap year. However, in the present scenario, women have successfully overcome this hindrance and usually have great plans for the D Day. More...

How Long Is Common Law Marriage In Florida
Wedding Vow Renewal Samples

The state of Florida does not recognize the Common Law Marriage. A Common Law Marriage is a phenomenon in which a man and a woman may consider themselves as husband and wife. Under specific circumstances, they can be deemed as a married couple who are without a license and also without any social ceremony. Florida does not acknowledge any Common Law Marriage within the state, but it recognizes this type of wedding that has taken place in some of the other states. More...

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Wedding Vow Renewal Samples
Wedding Vow Renewal Samples

Wedding vow renewal is a pledge or a promise. It is a way to reassure your life partner that you are still true to your promise. Here are some example of renewal wedding vows. More...

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Is Separation Good For Marriage

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