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What Does A Kiss On The Forehead MeanWhat Does A Kiss On The Forehead Mean

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What Does A Kiss On The Forehead Mean

One of the fondest memories that most people have is getting a kiss on the forehead from their mother before leaving for school. It is one of those happy memories that take you back to the days you have spent with your loved ones. This gesture is a means to tell you that they care for you. But do you know what your partner means when he gives you a kiss on your forehead? Well, it completely depends on the situation.

The most common reason for a kiss on the forehead is that your partner means to say "I love you and will always take care of you". It is the same feeling of protection that any of your family members may have for you. It is a tender gesture which speaks a thousand words. In the initial days of dating, your partner would either give you a peck on your cheeks or a passionate kiss. However, it is only after your relationship deepens and your partner starts to truly care about you and your well being, will he give you a kiss on your forehead. Encourage this gesture by all means.

Another context in which you might get a kiss on your forehead is in somber occasions. For example, it would be highly inappropriate for your partner to kiss you on your lips when attending a funeral. At that time when he kisses you on your forehead, he actually means "I love you and am sorry for your ".

However, if your partner stops kissing you otherwise, but just brushes his lips on your brow, it probably means that he is no longer attracted to you. You then need to start looking for other tell tale signs which might show that he is not that deeply into the relationship anymore.

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What Does A Kiss On The Forehead Mean

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